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Adova Group, a responsible industrial company
Adova Group is France’s leading luxury bedding manufacturer, bringing together the Tréca®, Simmons®, Hotelys® and Aube Sofa brands.

Adova Group focuses on local partnerships to promote the regional economy, and boasts over 780 employees spread over its 5 production sites in France. Our global network in a dozen countries illustrates our customers’ trust around the world.

Adova Group summed up in a few words…
We are committed to an ambitious CSR approach and deliver eco-friendly solutions, tailored to individual needs.
We are proud of our traditional craftsmanship, our heritage, and we focus firmly on the future to offer our customers around the world luxury bedding products that go hand-in-hand with comfort and satisfaction.
Adova Group history
Adova Group is a French bedding manufacturer that groups together France’s leading sleep sector brands.
Throughout its history, the Group has drawn on its signature brands’ expertise and continues to innovate today to meet its customers’ needs.
Adova Group in figures
160 M€ in France in 2022
5 production sites
Over 780 employees
250 points of sale in France
Over 800 points of sale around the world
Strong worldwide presence
Adova Group offers an extensive range of luxury mattresses and bedding solutions around the world.
The Group is growing and delivers its French-style craftsmanship and innovations to customers worldwide.
As such, the products of the Group’s renowned brands are available in Europe, Asia and Africa for private individuals and professionals alike.